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thump, thump-thump, is heard, depth charges of the escorting naval ships and you grope toward the stairwell leading to the deck. You join the steady swell of men going up on deck and after what seems like hours - actually it is only three or four minutes - you reach the windy deck fastening your lifebelt around you. You move quickly to your assigned alert station and wait. [[strikethrough]] In [[/strikethrough]] The bright moon reveals the convoy has broken formation, each ship striking out in a prearranged direction and zig-zagging wildly. The naval escorts spins and wheels and the dull crump! of exploding depth charges can be heard. Tense eyes scan the sea for the [[strikethrough]] whe [[/strikethrough]] white tell-tale streak of the torpedo. All is quiet on your ship now save for the churning propellors and the slish of ocean water sliding past the ship. Finally the bell clangs again, signifying the "all Clear" yo u turn about and slowly go below. From now on you sleep in your clothes using the life jacket as a pillow.

Add maternity note: A blessed event on board ship - two pups born and promptly christiened Iwo and Jima.

Trying to keep clean on [[strikethrough]] boaard [[/strikethrough]] board ship was not next to impossible - it [[underlined]] was[[/underlined]] impossible. The food wasn't bad but any desire for food was immediately quelled when one entered the hot, uncomfortable mess-hall. The ship was pitched and rolled and smoking was prohibited on the deck after dark (blackout regulations were strictly enforced)