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pattern and onto the final approach. Major Alford stood at the observers window peering into the murk, straining for some sign of the plane. Seven miles from the touchdown point. Williams delivered instructions to the pilot quietly and smoothly. Six miles. The B-29 was making slow turns, not responding to corrections. Start descending at 500 feet per minutes. Five miles. Level off. Four miles. Three miles. Two miles...approaching the end of the runway...over the end of the runway...pull it up and take it around're too high. For a brief moment, the plane appeared looming out of the fog over the runway but too high and disappeared again into the mist. Try it again. This time it was a better turn on the final approach. Four miles,..three miles. The plane came closer and closer, on course and on the glidepath. Just as the pilot was told to come in and land a voice broke in over the air and in shrill tones told the pilot to pull up. Everyone in the trailer looked at one another. Again the plane appeared momentarilly and disappeared. Try it again. For the third time the plane was directed along and told to land and again the voice broke in. The writer picked up the [[strikethrough]]mike said," [[/strikethrough]] and said," Please keep this channel clear. Unauthorized persons using this channel will be severly delt with. Please stay off the air." ( We later found that the mysterious voice warning the pilot away from the airstrip was a green fighter pilot on duty in the control tower who was unfamiliar with GCA, didn't know that the plane was being