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out" On the way to breakfast the skies suddenly cleared and remained that way for about an hour. In that time the B-29's all landed visually at Walnut Field, Airfield # 2. Spoke to a couple of B 29 pilots whoxx had come from India. They said that Ed Levenson's outfit was at Tinian so I gave one of them a note to give to him. I thought of what a strange story it would make if he and his plane had to be landed by Darkie, the code name for GCA on this island. 

Later in the afternoon when it was still zero-zero and Hot Rocks still completely hidden we were alerted again. This time 40 P-51's were due back from a straffing job over Tokyo. If these conditions persist it would be impossible to even try to land the fighters. Even if they had enough gas to fly around the pattern while we brought them in - which they hadn't - they are far from being good instruments pilots and it would undoubtedly take much longer to land them than usual. As soon as they started coming back over the island the ceiling lifted to about 500 feet and the visibility greatly improved. It was an unexpected break - we were prepared to vector them over the island and bail them out - a not inconsiderable loss, forty fighters. And in about twenty minutes they had all landed visually. The B-29 which had navigated them to Tokyo and back shepharding them like a mother hen with her cjicks continuted to circle until all had landed. It