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nosed about for a while and then satisfied that all her chicks were taken care of, turned and headed south to her home base in the Mariannas. Then the fog rolled i n again. We all breathed a sigh of relief.

I made arrangements to go to a movie at CASU 52 this evening but I was not surprised when something turned up - a B-29 wanting to land. Whole the ceiling was about 100 feet and the visibility about a mile Walnut Tower tried to land the plane visually. By the time the plane was turned over to us the ceiling had come down to the "deck" and the visibility dropped to 1/4 of a mile. He wouldn't see the runway even when we brought him in over it so we knew it was useless to try to work him. He was advised by the 21st Bomber Command to try to return to the Mariannas. I don't think he made it. It was too late to go to the movies and anyway I didn't feel much like going anymore. I kept thinking of that plane down in the dark tossing Pacific somwhere between here and the bases to the South.

17 May    Had late switchboard duty from 2 a.m. until 7 a.m. The day was clear and sunny for the first time in several  days. I saw several transports land - hope they carried mail. Mail planes haven't been able to land here for the last four or five days... Spent the day puttering around tidying up the tent. Mattress cover needed washing. It was washed. Swept up the make-shift floor around my bed. At supper I found that quite a lot of mail had come in during the day. It will be distributed tomorrow. The 548th Nite Fighter Squadron had left the island, presumably