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presumably for another invasion. The secret was being well kept. No one knew where the next invasion would be . Sackashima Gunto or maybe the China coast. 

With nothing to do as luck would have it therewas no movie tonight. Think I'll hit the sack early. Had only four hours sleep last night... Wish I'd get those packages that were supposed to be in the mail... Not a damn thing to read so I had to give in and start one of those mysteries stories. Wish this war was over but I don't expect to be home before '47.

Nagoya really has taken a pounding. 1000 plane raids start in July we hear. 

Okinawa campaign going slowly. Glad I'm not there. Iwo Jima may have lots of disadvantages but the climate isn't bad at all... Haven't seen a woman in four months.

B-29's have been going north this morning.

They've been passing over the island for hours and the fighters have been taking off with large wing tanks - about 125 of them-sso I guess the Superforts will be getting fighter escort today. It has been a fine day so far - a bit hazy - but for Iwo Jima it could be considered CAVU, ceiling and visilibity unlimited. The planes are due back anywhere from threeeto five p.m. and I hope the weather holds out. If not - we'll be swamped.

No matter how often I see it I always get a big kick out of seeing about 75 fighters in a large Vee