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of Vees circle the island several times and then disappear north. Someone is due for a terrific pounding today. Rumor has it as Nagoya but rumours in the Army are as free as the air.

A word about code names for airplanes: How they are chosen I have never been able to determine but here's the general classification:

P-51 - Shadow
P-61 - Charwoman
TBF - Reindeer
PB4Y(B24) - Privateer
B-29 - Dreamboat
PBM - Dumbo

I believe these names were chosen with an eye toward ease and clarity for radio transmission just like the word "Roger" for O.K. or alright or message received, "Wilco" for will-comply etc.etc.

Going from the general to the particular the elements (4planes) of shadows have different names. One flight of four may be Premier Red - the flight leader is called Premier Red Leader - or Ely Yellow or Salt Water Blue. The Charwomen have different designations for different patrols. For instance the 6-9p.m. patrol may be called Maple Green and the different planes within these patrols will have a number after the patrol designation i.e. Maple Green three or Maple Green two. The 9p.m. to  12 midnight patrol may be called Maple red or Maple