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are so many red obstruction lights at the tops of the poles around here that it has been christened "The Red Light District.

We lifted quite a bit of lumber from a See-Bee supply depot. They are quite unhappy about the whole thing and would like to find the culprits.

21 May

I was in the trailer about 9:30 this evening with Joe Dragoo when the phone rang. Joe answered it. "Hey," he said to me, "it's for you." I walked over and helloed into it. After a bit of teasing it proved to be Ed Levenson. I asked him if he had received the note I had sent with another pilot to be delivered to Tinian. He said no. Then he asked mye if I got his letter. I said no too. He said he was calling from the orderly room of the 304th Station Command Squadron. I told him I'd be right over. I spent an hour running around trying to get a jeep. Just as I was aboutto drive off the air raid siren sounded. Two nite fighters got off in a hurry but it was a little too late. Three bombs burst several hundred ^[[y]]rds away and I decided it was about time I took cover. I stoped the jeep and dived into a nearby shell hole. I wished I had helmet with me. Three more bombs burst at the North end of the island. Then our ack-ack opened up. And did they open up! Never saw so much ack-ack. The sky was filled with tracers. Ten seconds after the firing started a Jap plane burst into flames and [[strikethrough]] xxxx [[/strikethrough]] and fell into a long meteor-like curve and struck the ground near the second airfield, burning brightly on the blacked-out island. A few seconds