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The fighters took off for Tokyo this afternoon but returned early. Tokyo was "socked in" and it wass all for naught. The 21st Bomber Command [[strikethrough]] xx [[/strikethrough]] has told its men that it expects the war to be over in three months. I hope they're right but I doubt it. Matter - of - fact I'm surprised at them. They should know better than that.

The press and radio were around. They think they have a terrific story in Darkie but I doubt that they can do very much about it. It's still secret, hush-hush and all that and I think security regulation won't permit any publicity. There was some talk of going on the Army hour.

Haven't heard from Ed so I guess He's left... Had a pounding headache from walking in the sun all day so I took some asperin and went to bed early.

25 May 1945

At three a.m. O'Brien came in breathlessly to announce that two Black Widows wanted Darkie for a landing. The telephone line from the unit to our tent was out of order and on the way up in a weapons carrier the weather and visibility was so bad he got stuck in an old shell hole. He then abandoned the truck and ran all the way to the tent. I dressed and dashed out the unit but the planes landed visually. Captain Di Young from Honolulu and Spence came along and we remained in the unit until breakfast. We all fell asleap in the unit my pillow being the PPI scope. Cap't DiYoung gave us a little pep talk telling us we had saved