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pg. 69

sound of his teeth chattarring was clearly audible between the punctuating silences of the bombs and our own ack-ack. During the worst part of it someone said out loud, "I don't know why but I'm not in the least bit sleepy."

I have KP starting tomorrow anf for the next three days and believe it or not I am actually looking forewaord to it. At least I won't be on duty for 18 hours a day - for the next three days.

2 June 1945

Found out we lost 26 fighters on that Osaka raid - seven over the target, 19 because of bad weather. Very few B-29's were lost.

Had K.P. today. Peeled enough potatoes to last any small army a lifetime but I'm not complaining. When one peels potatoes one is sitting down and the entire operation doesn't require much thought. Usually a lively conversation on all subjects waxes until the potatoes are all peeled. But those pots and pans. If I never see another one again it'll be too soon...It [[underlined]]would[[/underlined]] have to be the hottest day we've had, though.

Heard more rumors that seven of us would be going back to Guam...Just rumors though.

3 June 1945

Another day of K.P. This wasn't too bad...Heard more rumors of Guam.