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It was a B- 29 with out I.F.F. I breathed a sigh of relief, returned to my tent and went to bed. Oh yes, before I turned in I tried to fix up our lights and accidently shorted the line plunging the entire AACS area into total blackness.

7 June 1945

Big raid this afternoon. This morning the fighters took off while the Superforts were passing overhead. They returned about three-thirty. Cloud cover over target - Osaka again - so bombing was by radar... It rained all day today. Matter-of-fact, it hasn't stopped raining for two days.

Williams shot his mouth off once too often so Bill Mathis replaced him as NCDIC... The Guam deal seems to be hanging fire... Still haven't written to the CAA.

8 June 1945

No business last night so I was able to sleep uninterruptedly. The large squad tent we rigged up near the unit was a fine idea; half of it is occupied by cots and comprises the living area for the crew on duty during the night. The other half of the tent is the work shop and supply room while in one corner a desk denotes the "office". A radio receiver and speaker has been placed advantageously so we can listen to the radio while lying on the cots.