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We rewired our entire tent only to find the cause of our electrical trouble was a burned out bulb.We're electronic specialists?.. I went to see a movie at the 133 SeeBees tonight. I've decided to extend my patronage to this theater exclusively - it's conveniently near our living area and they usually have some pretty good shows. In addition, before the movie they usually present the latest news of the day. We get a good idea of whats going on in the other theaters of war.

After the theatre I went to the orderly room and finally typed out the long- delayed letter to the CAA. It's about a possible position with them after the war is over. Probably nothing will come of it. While in the orderly room I heard someone mention something about a jeep being wrecked... someone in AACS was in the jeep but I didn't pay much attention .

Our laundry came back and a fine job it was. I think I'll quit doing my own laundry and send it out from now on.

The lights blew again so I went to sleep by candlelight. Oh yes, the fighters took off again on what was to be a sweep, straffing only, but inclement weather on the way to the target forced them back and the whole mission was aborted.

9 June 1945

This morning we learned that Lt. Spence was hurt badly in that jeep accident last night. Broken vetrebrae. They're sending him back to the States. Feel sorry for the poor