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raidd on pinpoint targets today. They passed over Iwo on their way back to the Mariannas at three o'clock this afternoon... The home-made refrigerator is really swell. We've had cold water for the first time since leaving Hawaii over four months ago. It's been almost five months since we've seen a woman... Physical exam showed I8ve lost almost ten pounds... The folks back home were worried about Jap Domei News report of Iwo bombings... The letter concerning the meeting with Ed caused quite a stir in both families as I suspected it would.

10 June 1945

No business last night but early this morning the fighters took off. I slept quite well last night but I think it was mostly because of the bottle of rum we got holdof. We made some potent rum cokes last night but for the first time in my I was almost sickened by the stuff. Could it be I can't take it anymore...Candidly, I don't even like it. Won't be a bit surprised if I returned home a teetoler.

Premier Suzuki told the Imperiel Diet the Japs will fight to the death so it looks like a long war. Inside reports had it that the Japs might surrender but Suzuki's statement kills the whole deal.

B- 29 strike returned this afternoon pretty well shot up. Full reports aren't in yet.