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pg. 83

This evening we saw some swell action shots taken from Iwo-based P-51's straffing Japan.  The regular movie "Make Your Own Bed" was so bad that I walked out in the middle of it.  I couldn't take it anymore.

Finally succumbed and put up my mosquito net.  We had been assured before we landed here there were no mosquitoes on the island.  They were right, there weren't any then, but there were plenty now.

An order has been posted restoring all military regulation on the island.  You know what that means?  It means saluting, regular uniforms etc.  M'gawd, no matter where you go it always catches up with you.  I think I'd welcome going in on another invasion.  That way I might pick up another five points.  But what's the use of kidding myself.  They wouldn't let me out now if I had 150 points.  Yank Magazine says so-called "key" men like radar men will be the last to be discharged.  They really have me pin-pointed.

Joe E. Brown is going to put on several shows within a few days.  I hope I can get to see him.  (It has been reported from Okinawa that a Jap kamikaze plane had been shot down and the pilot found to be an eighteen year old girl.)

Sill cannot get any stationary on the island.  Even the Red Cross is running short.

The moon is getting brighter and fuller with each passing night.  My helmet and gun are always