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pg. 86

Blue Dreams - ?
Caprice Niennois - Fritz Chrysler

16 June 1945

Practice landed one P-61 at 2130 and then shut down.  Heard a fine rumor last night about Bob Milne and crew having departed Oahu bound for Iwo.  Only a rumor - nothing to bother about.

My cot is really getting a workout.  It's beginning to tear along the side of the canvas and in the center there is a noticeable sag about where my read-end rests when sleeping.  If nothing else, I've made quite an impression on it.

Found my pen.  Topping, eh what?  It was in a shirt hanging on the wall.  I think I'll go out and ask someone to  give me a good stiff kick in the rump for my stupidity.

We saw a fine movie this evening "Rhapsody in Blue".  During the big moment when the scene of Carnegie Hall was on and the first rising, wailing notes of the clarinet marked the introduction of Gershwin's piece which was the title of the movie, the film broke.  It was repaired and the movie started again.. The film broke again.  It broke down seven time by actual count and set what is undoubtedly a record the time by the playing of Rhapsody in Blue.  Half the dialogue was drowned out bu night fighter and snooper planes.