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In spite of all the interruptions I liked the movie - more for the music than anything else I guess.  I hit the sack about 1 a.m. and dared not think about having to get up at six.  I heard an ominous tearing sound when I climbed into bed.  Without looking I knew my canvass cot was beginning to give under continous assaults.

17 June 1945

Mathis came in at 6:30 this morning to announce that we'd have Sundays off.  That meant we didn't have to stand by the alert until the night shift on sunday.  It also meant I could sleep late today (Sunday) but I figured that if I didn't get up and go to breakfast I'd be famished before dinner so I sighed, got up, dressed and went to chow.  On returning I promptly undressed and climbed back into the sack again.  Again I heard that tearing cloth sound and peered in it's direction apprehensively.  A long rip in the canvas loooked right back at me and seemed to be saying, "Well, what of it?  I'm five inches long and getting longer all the time.  Want to make something of it?"  I didn't so I lay back, picked up a magazine and tried to forget it.  I couldn't - I was almost afraid to move.  One of these nights I'M going to take a spill, then what?  Sleep on the floor I guess.

At noon some of the fellows mentioned they had seen several female nurses at church services