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targets on Honshu.

A whole flock of P-51's took off for Chichi Jima this afternoon each carrying a five hundred lb. bomb under each wing but were forced back by bad weather near the target.

Over the island the skies cleared briefly and two squadrons of Chickens test hopped their ships. As sometimes happens after limited activity because of bad weather the boys were in a playful mood and rat-raced the fighters all over the sky and played tag with the B-29's returning from their strike. 

Heard rumors that the entire AACS detachment 44 would be pulled off the island within two months....Bright moon tonight. Nice night for an air raid... My Jap bayonett and cartridge belt, which I had turned in to intelligence for inspection, were returned to me. I thought I would never see them again. 

Our new officer arrived today, a Lieut. Early. He was a pleasant young guy who had been a runner of some note at a college in California. He gave us the lowdown on the other teams: About five GCA teams are now in the ETO, two in the MTO, three in the Phillipines, two at Okinawa, two in the Aleutians, one at Bradley, Conn., one at Presque Isle, Maine, two in the Mariannas, 

Transcription Notes:
Per SI, no indents necessary