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civilized, relatively speaking. The roof of our latrine is still a casualty of the hurricane and all our business is still done out in the open... I think I'll try to get some sleep before the Japs raid tonight. 

25 June 1945

A rainstorm moved in over the island [[strikethrough]] ??? [[/strikethrough]] last night and stayed until seven o'clock this morning. That's probably why the Japs didn't pay us a visit. Anyway a squadron of P-51's took off this morning with five hundred lb. bombs under their wings headed for Chichi Jima. Everytime we get a raid, wether or not the planes came from Chichi, that place is going to catch hell the next day. If the Nip bombers aren't coming fro Chichi, I don't think the Japs there are very entheusiastic about anyone raiding Iwo because they have to pay for it. I can just imagine them sending a message to the main island asking the air force boys there to please not bomb Iwo. 

The fighters test-hopped their ships today and they are now all carrying the P-61-type wing-tank. It's larger than the onventional P-51 - type auxiliary tank and gives them greater range. 

Bob Milne, a final controller, one of the four men we left at Honolulu, arrived today to take up residence.