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pg. 109

the plane were flying around in the harbor keeping low so the Jap radar don't pick 'em up but high enough not to get their feet wet.  Well, there watching what's going on in the shipyard.  The bottle was swung (probably saki) and the ship started sliding down the ways.  With good aim, perfect timing and excellent showmanship, the plane swung around, shot two rockets, hit two bullseyes.  The Jap ship, now bearing two larger gaping holes in her side, continued sliding down the ways, into the right and right to the bottom of the bay.  What a waste of a good bottle of saki.

Today I was officially awarded the Radio Specialists Medal.  Oh goodie!  Now I can wear more metal on my chest when I get home.  I'll have one made two feet square with neon piping and...oh hell what do they think we are, giving us those useless baubles?  If some of those bastards upstairs would deign to get off their fat behinds and get around to giving us those extra stripes the T/O calls for then it would be different.  The Navy GCA outfits all have officers doing the same kind of work we are doing.  A Lt. s.g. in Navy GCA is the rating for the radar technician on a crew.  Mine is Cee Pee Ell.  Period.