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a fine view of the eastern "beach". It has a concrete,whitewashed floor and whitewashed accoutrements. A proud moment to civilization.
   There is being erected at this time a wire fence strung on white poles around the entire area for some unknown reason and a sign has been hung on it reading "AACS * Dead End". All too true. The entire area, consisting of about forty tents, is probably the most unified, most improved housing project on the island. Telephone poles, roads, showers, electricity, whitewashed stones bordering walks, little theater, parking lot for vehicles-indeed it well compares with Knickerbocker Village or Parkchester.
   There have been persistent rumore that AACA was taking volunteers for another task force. Whether or not this includes GCA I do not know. I am inclined to doubt it. However an unofficial poll among the latter indicates an almost unanimous desire to sign up for it. The good weather and subsequent inactivity (I believe the last plane we landed in bad weather was sometimes last May) has begun to make things much too dull. The sudden transition from the months of March, April, and May when events were occurring at unbelievable speed, when the phone rang every morning at two or