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Communications over the radio are strictly regulated yet occassionaly one hears some very funny transmissions. A PBJ pilot who on requesting permission to land was told by the control tower to circle his position until several fighters returning from a strike had buzzed the field and landed, snapped "If those fighters did less buzzing and more flying they'd be better off." This started a storm of replies from the fighter pilots in the air at the same time and the loudest of them all was an angry admonition to "Mind your own business." Then there's the story, which presumably originated in the States, of a pilot who called into a control tower for permission to land and replied to the answer with the sometimes used "Roger dodger". A land based major, in the tower at the time, grabbed the microphone and coldly informed the pilot that the phrase "Roger Dodger" was an unauthorized transmission. The pilot came bace and acknowledged with "Roger Dodger". The major again, this time a bit more heatedly, repeated his message and again the "Roger Dodgerd". The major blew up and yelled "I am a major and I say again that Roger Dodger will not be used." The pilot answered sweetly, "Roger dodger you old codger, I'm a major too". [[strikethrough]]A[[/strikethrough]] and with that he flew away.