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gether is like working with an oversize Erector set - not that I haven't got any confidence in my ability to put one up but I'd be very leery about eating there.
After several hours in the sun I wasn't up to a baseball game the fellows had scheduled.  They really had the pants beaten off.them... A letter from Ed. He's going home this week.
I got lost this evening trying to find a shortcut to the E.M. CLUb and wound up in the stockade. I was wandering blithly onward and encountered a roll of barbed wire. Very carefully I climbed over the damned stuff catching my pants only once. Too late did I realize I had broken into the stockade. It was quite some time before I could crawl out again because of the way the barbed wire fence was titled. By the time I had staggered through the sand and over the hills they were all sold out.
15 July 1945
This being Sunday, under the old system we may have had the day off, but with the five shifts on duty that's out. It works out better this way anyhow. Two days off in eight.
For the first time in a month we worked several runs. In addition to radar technician I am also