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write or not. Therefore I have decided to write when I choose and how I choose. If I think several days have passed without anything of importance I shall not feel obligated to note it.

Within the past week Soskin has gone to Guam by B-29 (I drove wildly through the night up to the second airfield to allow him to catch his plane). The long-awaited P-47's have arrived. The pilots, fresh from the States, are now doing a bit of advanced training before going out on a strike.

I went down to the link trainer outfit and takled into an hour of link time. If possible I shall try to go there every afternoon.

Dombey is definitely out as far as GCA is concerned.

Lt. Vickery has T.B. and will be sent back to the States. At first it was diagnosed as silicosis, later as T.B. Others are being X-rayed. If there are any other men exhibiting any similar symptoms, everyone will be X-rayed. I would very much like to be examined. After going through so much unscathed it would be ironical indeed to fall victim to Iwo's dust.

29 July - 6 July 1945
Quite a bit has happened this week. Each member