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of Team One received a commendation from General Hap Arnold. The commendation consisted of two mimeographed sheets of paper. After we landed the first four B-29's Captain Holley received the Bronze Star. In my opinion he well deserved it for his efforts in pioneering GCA from it's inception(We learned the Jolley was none too happy about taking the award without similar awards going to each of the men on the team) but I think we should have been awarded something more substantial than three useless sheets of paper. The boys on team three, in the ETO, all received ratings and were, according to them, leading a wonderful life in England.

Captain Jolley finally arrived here. He is trying to get us rotated back to Hawaii (although Wing Headquarters is moving to Manila) but with bad weather expected next month 7th Fighter Command is none to happy about the idea and probably my block the transfer. (Rumor hath it the 7th Fighter Command received the Presidential Citation for our work in saving B-29's) Efforts were made to have us returned to the States but Colonel Wooten of AACS Wing Headquarts squelched that maneuver immediately.The story of Goa, and especially our team's efforts out here were released to the press in hope that a national magazine may snap up the story. Hence our picture was taken - atop a captured Jap tank of all places.