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(The Southerly route may also be flown as follows: New York-Horta-Lisbon-Southampton.)
Lisbon-Southampton............... 992 miles
Total, New York-Southampton      4369 miles

United States to Europe
via Canada and Newfoundland

New York-Shediac................. 601 miles
Shediac-Botwood.................. 471 ''
Botwood-Foynes...................1995 ''
Foynes-Southampton:.............. 351 ''
Total, New York-Southampton      3418 miles

Pan American Airways began scheduled service on the Atlantic Ocean on May 20, the anniversary of Lindbergh's flight to Paris, carrying mail to the Azorea, Portugal and France. The Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing this service gave authority for "air transportation with respect to persons, property, and mail" but it was required that the transportation company operate five regular trips over the route without revenue passengers in advance of operation. The departure on the present schedule on June 17 will be the fifth air mail flight.
On Friday of last week Pan American Airways petitioned the Civil Aeronautics Authority for authorization to operate four round trips weekly between the United States and Europe. For the present schedules two 41-ton four-engined flying boats built by Boeing-the Yankee Clipper and Atlantic Clipper-are being used. Within the past few days Pan American Airways has received at its Baltimore base the third of its Transatlantic Clippers for Atlantic service and a fourth Clipper is scheduled for delivery on the west coast on June 15