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Clipper Lands First Pay Load at Marseilles
The Dixie Takes 30 1/2 Hours From U.S. Yankee Due In With First Mail Today.

Marseilles, France June 30 (AP) -- The Dixie Clipper completed today the first scheduled trans-Atlantic flight with paying passengers. She arrived at 1:20 p. m. from Port Washington, L. I. by way of Horta, in the Azores, and Lisbon, Portugal. With twenty-two passengers and a crew of eleven, she made the hop from Lisbon in 6 hours 37 minutes. She had elapsed time of 30 hours 29 minutes out of Port Washington.
The forty-one-ton flying boat had sped from the United States to Continental Europe in 23 hours 52 minutes, reaching Lisbon yesterday at 7:10 p. m.
One of the passengers, Julius Rapoport, of Allentown, Pa, lawyer, is flying around the world. He said he would stay here until Sunday, then take a British plane for Hong-kong.
[[photo of sea with sail boat in front and island in the background]]
[[caption]] Island of Monte Cristo]] [[/caption]]
[[drawing of plane with 4 propellers on wing]
[[photo of island with large fortified building with tall light in center]]
[[photo of man, woman and child with uniformed guard]]
[[photo of man sitting at desk talking on the phone with PASSEPORTS sign on desk]]
[[photo of tall bridge that appears to be under construction]] [[caption]] Port of Marseille [[/caption]]
[[photo of buildings - assumed to be Marseilles]]
[[sign]] MARSEILLAIS [[/sign]]
[[diamond symbol]] L'hydravion americain Dixie-Clipper, venant de Lisbonne, est arrive, hier a 14 h. 20, a Marignane, ou 22 passagers ont debarque.
Dix-huit de ceux-ci ont gagne Paris par avion special.  Parmi les autres, Miss Mara Adams se propose de faire le tour du monde par la voie des airs. A 16 heures, elle est partie pour Leipzig.  De la, elle ralliera Jodpur, aux Indes britanniques, puis Hong-Kong, enfin New-York, empruntant tour a tour des appareils de lignes regulieres allemande, hollandaise, francaise et americaine.
Outre les 22 passagers, le Dixie Clipper avait a son bord onze hommes d'equipage.