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[[six color views of Paris]]

[["France" spelled out in cut out letters across top o page]]

[[top left]]
[[image: large Greek style colonnaded building. Caption: Chamber o Deputies (France's House of Representatives) has a magnificent Greek temple façade and stair.  Deputies always use the side and back doors, often behave unmagnificently.]]

[[top center]]
[[image: tall obelisk in a square surrounded by ornate buildings. [Luxor obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, Paris]]]

[[bottom center: PARIS]]

[[top right]]
[[image: bookstalls. Caption: Bookstalls along the Seine sell books from 1¢ up and paintings from 2¢ up.  Parisians always get good bargains; foreigners think they do but often they must pay outrageous prices.]]

[[right center]]
[[image: retail shops: RESTAURANT; BOUCHERIE CHEVALINE; DIAMANTINE.  Caption: Horse's head atop butcher's shop means only horse meat for sale. French chefs can make a cart horse's hindquarters taste like prime beef.  Paris area hs 480 shops that sell horse meat.]]

[[bottom right]]
[[image: street scene, sidewalk flower vendor.  Caption: Parisians rarely patronize flower shops, prefer the open flower markets like this one on the Isle de la Cité, tiny Seine island which used to contain all of Paris in the 10th Century.]]