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   It is difficult to realize what a milestone in transportation this first transatlantic passenger flight is. There are many at home who think us either fools or pioneers to make this trip, but with the great advance in scientific knowledge we are neither. Actually, it is a much less hazardous trip than those made in the old sailing clippers years ago, when one was at the complete mercy of the elements and out of touch with the rest of the world for weeks on end. Constant radio communication, radio bearings, celestial navigation, dead reckoning by drift sights in addition to the years of experience and training on the part of the flight officers inspire complete confidence of all passengers. The captain acts as administrator and adviser to his flight crew of 10, consisting of 4 flight officers, one of which is a navigator, 2 engineers, 2 radio officers, and 2 stewards, making a total of 11 members of the crew. The plane built by Boeing is the result of years of evolution in the development in design as well as in the motors which have a total of 6,000 horsepower. This new era in ocean transportation is made possible by the united efforts of countless men in various scientific fields and Pan American Airways recognized this potentiality many years ago, and helped to stimulate the development.
Mrs. Juan Trippe, wife of the President of Pan American Airways.