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     This is the return flight of the first commercial passenger flight from New York to France.  All of the passengers have had  most delightful trip from France, as well as a delightful flight from New York to France.

     This speaker is J. Carroll Cone, Manager of the Atlantic Division of Pan American Airways Company.  We had a lovely flight over the northern route.  However, 
we were delayed for 2 days and 3 nights at Shediac, Canada, waiting for fog over Newfoundland to cleat.  All of the actual flying time was through very good whether,
very smooth and comfortable.

      Our flight over Newfoundland was most interesting indeed.  A large part of Newfoundland is still covered by snow.  However, the cleared portion is already
covered with growth of green grass and shrubbery.  We were very royally received in Ireland, and were met at the base by the Prime Minister De Valera, and the American Minister Cudahy, as well as by scores of other public officials and local citizens.  At Southampton we were met by a group of officials from London, and were transported from Southampton to London on a special train, it being one of the royal trains, or train for the royal family.  We were entertained in London at a wonderful luncheon by the officials of the British Air Ministry, and several aeronautic groups.  Our second night in London we were entertained by the American Ambassador, Mr. Kennedy, and his staff.