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1111.50 - hotel      1025
-ticket 1205.25-
127.25 Cleo
319.20 Smith
-[[per? diem?]] 45$ /for 16 [[days?]]: 720 -
[[taxis?]] 50$
[[excess? bg?]] 100$
[[Bobie?]]: [[? & collect.?]] 7 days (15)   210
[[tar?]] expenses " " " [[dittos for 7 days (15)  105
collecting [[mpl?]] 50
[[sum of 210, 105, 50 =]] 365
[[exc. by?]] 100
taxis 50
[[sum of 365, 100, 50 =]] 515
Miscellaneous  515.
per diem       720
[[ticket? ?]] 1235
               123 50

Transcription Notes:
Looks like a back of the envelope calculation of expected expenses/budget.