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Beautiful, erect bamboo growing at edge of river. (Seen on 2 spots and collected on both).

Culms solid, redish, very strong. ca. 4-5 m tall.

Culm sheath with no demarcation between blade and a  sheath
Drying very fast on plant and spliting on the back & side and falling soon, not persistent.

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Branch complement like "soldaditos". [[strikethrough]] Few [[/strikethrough]]

Few branches, these flat and strongly adpressed to the culm, usually one in the center slightly bigger than the others and 3 or 4 on each side.

Branches growing [[?]] and erect or slightly curve. Branches crowded with leaves and small branches. The branches have very short internodes and then all little branches and leaves become crowded and curved up.

Transcription Notes:
soldaditos = soldiers