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not even small ones Tall group of [[culms?]], here and there, really mixed in the forest. At present looks like the pick of flowering cicle. Plants looks pretty and all cover by flowers.
I think it's the same Retbergia I collected in 72 & 76 in [[?]], broad lanceolated leaves, few branches + nodes, in great Retbergia style! Culm asperous, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] culm leaves tightly persistent Infloresc. in heads or balls at end 

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of branches with leaf complem.
(Infl. looks at first glance and [[underlined]] without lens [[/underlined]] Athroostachys) with long setae?! with [[underlined]] something [[/underlined]] on top of setae. Many infl. in full or partial [[antheris?]] ( [[strikethrough]] I cooud [[/strikethrough]] I could not photograph ( of few) plants or study in great detail I         [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] very sick, [[double underlined]] I was very sick [[/double underlined]]

Still we were able to find few new cultures 
Collected a lot of material of every part of plant.