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martes 31 de enero 2463
[[Bromeliaceae [[underlined]] Tillandsia? [[/underlined]]

Serra do Jacutinga, same
loc. as Retbergia.
Epiphyte on a fallen tree.
Fl. blue & pink violet.
I think there is only one
specimen. put in herbarium. (too [[sick?]] to do more)
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[[start page]]
martes 31 enero   2464
Serra do Jacutinqa
same loc. as Retbergia

Epiphyte on branches
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
of a fallen tree, very
small, a miniature of
no more than 8-10 cm.
Flowers yellowish.

Collected alive also? I think it burned on the pick up.

Transcription Notes:
The word that is transcribed "martes" looks like "montes" to me and "montes" is "mountains" in Spanish.