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is vert near the old
type locality, is the
same type of forest
on the road to
fazenda Ipiranga
[[end page]]

[[start page]]Feb. 2  2470
Ba. Mun. de Ilheus, road
Olivença - vila Brasil
(road to Fazende Ipiranga)
ca 6 - [[strikethrough]][[6/5 Km]][[/strikethrough]] S W of

  Growing in costal type of
forest on white sand
soil.  Forest mixed
with two bamboos
Atractantha radiatis
and Alvimia pracile
climbing plant sa - 4 -
to 6 m high. Big
beautiful flowers of
brilliant red color, [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]
Sytamens with filament
violet and authern ^[[verm]] yellow

Transcription Notes: