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2476  [[?]] en Bahia. Alvimia tenuis new locality.?
2477  Atrac. radiata                  "    " [[ditto for new locality]] K. 18-20 -
2478  A. tenuis seedling
2479  A grandifolia " [[ditto for seedling]]

2476}    Bambusa en flor
2477} 1. [[?]] Merostachys en flor

2478}   Alvimia new [[root?]]
2479}   A. radiata same local [[up arrow]]
2480}   A. temis seedlings
2481} 2. [[?]]   A. temis flowers

2482}    A. grandifolia  " [[ditto for seedlings]]
2483} 3. [[?]]   - A gracilis " [[ditto for seedlings]]

2484 - Atractantha oreolanata -
2485 - A. radiata
2486 - A. asymetrica
2487 - [[strikethrough]] merosta [[/strikethrough]] Parianella ^[[2487]] (Reserva da CEPLAC. Lemos Maia.
2488 - Merostachys en flor.
2489 - Anomochloa en flor.
2490 - Merostachys en flor.

[[coneger?]] con [[circled]] 2491 [[/circled]]

Transcription Notes:
For readability I chose to transcribe what I believe to be the intent of the angled lines which begin at 2481 when the author got out of sync. (normawalker)