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very strong recurved [[?]] & spines. Culm smooth culm sheath without petiole and with long blade about as long as sheath. 

All in flower, very pretty fat pseudospikelets common in the [[?]] [[?]]
is called [[underlined]] "gaucho" [[/underlined]] Growing [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] next to it [[underlined]] Atractantha cardinalis [[/underlined]] also seen in several places mostly past and dry but with seedling not abundant but [[underlined]] some [[/underlined]] 
Few pictures with roll
#1 Kodak - not good
light rain
In some area also [[growing?]] and collected

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

a Merostachys in flor
FAA: 1 very large & small spikelets & leaves (20)?
(garranchos [[strikethrough]] & 3 pieces of [[/strikethrough]]
([[Borgnet?]]? ([[?]]) 

Transcription Notes:
garranchos = broken off branches