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Feb. 23      2478
[[underlined]] Alvimia temis [[/underlined]]

Ba. M. Ilheus [[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikethrough]] road Olivenca-Vila Brasil, 18,3 Km, SW of Olivenca (new locality, beyond type loc.)

_FAA 4 - inf
       -  " [[ditto for inf]] - [[baja?]] - buds
       - 2 [[?]] [[?]] young & mature

1 3:1
1 - [[?]]. (6) -
no bulky material
[[yellow highlighted]] fotos [[/yellow highlighted]] color roll #2 Ektach 200
roll #3 B & W. 

In partially cut down forest of white sand soil.
Very abundant but mostly dry and past, still some

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patches green and flowering
rare ones still producing new roots.

Very rare big, mature fruits. found only 3 o 4-!
but [[underlined]] very abundant [[/underlined]] small to little [[large?]] fruits in [[symbol for unequal]] stages of development [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]]_

seedlings growing well but not many, rather few, probably because forest very disturbed and cut. It seems abundant in large area, probably connecting or in the part with the type locality
In several, infloresc. seen
2 fruits developing in one [[Pj?]], one, 2d from end and other 2 or 3 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]]