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Alvim. [[strikethrough]] graciles [[/strikethrough]] tenuis seedlings

2481 - " [[ditto for Alvim. tenuis.]] flores.

2482 - A. macrophyte seedlings -
2483 -

Salido de Olivenca - Sabado
          } -> 17.3 Km
138994.800}  [[?]] estrade

39003.[[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 10Km  +8Km local Al. gracilis

39005  [[j A. tenuis?]]

39019 - local A. tenuis.

([[?]] +- 3 Km for [[?]] de [[other?]] [[estrada?]] [[Buarae?]] growing also (but finish.
A. rodiate

9020,3 - A. tenuis & A. rodiate - very [[extense?]] & rich

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

patch, full of seedling of Alvimia. few of [[Atract?]] both dry but still few little green of Alvimia.

[[underlined]] 9022. Al. tenuis [[/underlined]], the very best forest with [[tones?]] of new [[?]] 
in places [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] a carpet, Beautiful tall trees.

9026. Km. Entrada para Sapucaeiro Cururupi - ^[[(48.5 Km from Olivenca]]
[[underlined]] A. oreolanata [[/underlined]]-

entrado de estrada para Cururupi-Ilheus-Olivenca
[[underlined]] 9032.8 [[/underlined]] Km.

Transcription Notes:
oreolanata = aureolanata?