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Sabado, Feb 24    2483
[[underlined]] Alvimia gracilis [[/underlined]]
Ba. Mun. Ilheus. estrada Olivenca-Vila Brasil and then [[?]] [[Sapucaeise-Burunife?]] from Oliv- to the intersection point 17, 3 Km SW and then 8 (and then [[?]] 10 Km) right and [[?]] -


All plants dry or almost, few spots with green leaves but lots of seedling. They look deathful, in [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] several shapes, but not too overall, plant probably finish long time

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ago, same time as the type locality. Beautiful bright green leaves. about same shape as the mother plant, Many with first node with branches, very few already trying to climbe
good herbarium.
[[yellow highlighted]] Photos [[/yellow highlighted]] in B & W & color

We saw 2 localities with A. gracilis, and in the one 2 Km above was growing with Atractantha rodiata. Both localities plenty of new [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] plants