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[[Original?]]   2845

Terrestrial, near creek_

Bamboo   2846

Erect [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] clumps with increasingly thicker shoots as they come up from rhizome (not sure is the same as climbing one collected yesterady (2829). Thicker shoots up to 3 cm, starting as culms of less than 1 cm. 
Erect and then arching over [[?]] about 8 m tall beautiful rhizome (collected) showing the increase of size
Smooth culm, with some white wax when young.  Center leaf [[image: drawing of leaf looks like large printed capital A]] smooth almost? or [[?]] when dry.  Spring - no

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flower. Leaves very large lanceolate, [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] wide
Also in upper or gorges
branches the leaves are narrower.

(It seems it is the same collected early as [[2823?]] but then was a very young, the beginning of a new clump.

FAA: Buds & leaves (2 v.)
rhizome & bulky material.
[[yellow highlighted]] Photos [[/yellow highlighted]]: few in color (but poor light)

^[[x check the B&W photos: Roll # 16 looks like is a mixture of this [[guadua?]] and the thin one collected early_

Transcription Notes: