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Commelinaceae? Zing.  2853
Small plant with white flowers
at edge of igarapè

Rutaceae          2854
Rauia cf. Prancei
Tree, ca. 5m, with fruits

Borraginaceae 2855
Shrub, ca. 1.50 with small
flowers (big leaves, ([[Se coleto?]].)

Rubiaceae   2856
Beautiful infloresce of large
white flowers on long stems.
near igarape-

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[[two arrows indicating switch of specimen number with specimen name for next two specimens]]

Rubiaceae   2857
[[sans?]], ca. 1.50 with fruits, growing near edge of igarape

Acanthaceae.  2858
[[Herb?]]. ca. [[of?]] 1.20-1.50 with large flower, white with faint tint of violet inside and one
violet line on each petal. [[?]] hairs on the infloresce.
FAA, [[yellow highlighted]] photo [[/yellow highlighted]]

Acanthaceae  2859

Robust plants, up to 1.60 & +?
bracts of inflorescence darker wine
red, flower yellow +- when unopened, then pale ivory [[pink?]]
no FAA, [[yellow highlighted]] photo [[/yellow highlighted]] color