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May 15        2492
Reserva [[Dukce?]], near Manaus, 

Growing scatered in rain forest
few in flower; the inflorescence 
[[?]] produced in a [[?]]


Pariana     2493
Growing in dark, humid places of
[[strikethrough]] humid [[/strikethrough]]
rain forest. Not abundant.
and few in flower. 

([[underlined]] This time [[/underlined]] number colected with Osmarino 

May 22.       2494
Amazona, Reserva [[Dukce?]], near
Piresia sympodica.
Growing^[[abundantly]] near the road not too
far from the stream.

colected with Jose Ramos.

[[Lebrantus?]] ?      2495

Growing in rain forest, near

Transcription Notes:
Probasbly "Reserva Ducke"