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I wish I could say that I found and reported what I was looking for, but I didn't. The region I flew over was quite unfamiliar to me and much of it was heavily wooded. German reconnaissance planes also were out, so the infantry on both sides would naturally stay quiet under cover while we were around. The only system of signals we had with our infantry was for use when our side was attacking, and that was not the case on that day. There was little chance of seeing troops moving in the open, and I did not see a man. The only Germans I saw were chasse planes overhead, and they were out in force. Our planes were painted green on their upper surfaces, so that seen from above in summer they blended in with the foliage. Keeping close to the ground I went over the area two or three times. The shelling seemed to be concentrated ^[[|]] along a sort of line, but I could not tell which side it was coming from. That was about all I could report.