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^[[ Temp To Col. Davis]]

APO 60

[[stamp]] 12 APR 1954 [[/stamp]]

SUBJECT:  Application for Reassignment to Japan

TO:  Commander
Fifth Air Force 
APO 970

1.  Under the provisions of the FEAF Regulation 35-8, I hereby make application for reassignment to Japan, upon completion of my current tour of duty in Korea.

2.  In compliance with paragraph 5, FEAF Regulation 35-8, the following information is submitted:

a.  Name, Rank, AFSN, and Organization:  Benjamin O. Davis Jr.  Colonel, 1206A, Headquarters 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing, APO 60.

b.  This application is based on my personal desire to serve as much time as possible in the Far East.  It is felt that such reassignment will benefit the Air Force by full utilization of my experience and training in my career field.

c.  Date of Departure from ZI on current tour:  4 November 1953.

d.  MOT:  4 October 1954.

e.  Previous extensions on current tour:  None.

f.  I desire to extend my tour of overseas duty in order to obtain the desired reassignment.

g.  Number of flying hours and type of aircraft:  2700 hours, F-86 aircraft.

h.  One dependent.  Wife, Agatha Scott Davis:  application for travel and housing inclosed.

i.  If my reassignment is approved I will not serve more than 36 months overseas time.

[[stamp]] 133920 [[/stamp]]