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5.  DP, UP Sec 515, Off Pers Act of 1947 and AFR 36-56, 13 Feb 53, announcement ismade of the temp prom of 2D LT ALVIN R BOUCHARD, AO2224467, to the gr of 1ST LT, USAF, w/DR 23 Jul 53.  USAF-Spot apmt in gr of 1ST LT, USAF is hereby vacd.

6.  A/B MYRNA L MOCK, AA8504142 (HOR-610 S Esplanade, Leavenworth, Kans.) (Shipping AFSC-70230) is reld fr asgmt this Hq; asgd Det 1, 6403d PerP Sq (FEALOGFOR (FEAF), 2d Trans Maj Port, APO 503 rept between 0800 and 1000 hrs, 27 Nov 53 for orders and trans for rtrn to ZI for sep prior to compl of os tour and normal TOE UP par 2, AFR 39-14 & Msg AFPMP-4 ALMAJCOM 820/53, Hq USAF, 14 Sep 53.  Amn has vol for early sep and has signed statement that she does not intend to reenl.  Statement w/b made in amn's DD Form 214, first entry in item 38, as required by USAF Msg cited, as fol: "Vol sep prior ETS. Not eligible for reenlmt in USAF for pd of ninety-one (91) days fr dt of sep." Amn w/b sep at POD and will not be rsgd w/i ZI.  Amn is FEAF Dec separatee and w/b processed IAW FEAF Reg 35-12.  Prior to dept mil pmt cert curr w/b dspod of IAW Cir 3, Hq USAFFE, 26 Jan 53.  Med CLNC and imms w/b obtained and in possesion of indiv. Cabin bag w/b lmtd to two (2) pieces. No wpns of any type w/b carried in hand bag and war trophies w/b placed in hold bag.  TBGAA.  WP.  PCS.  TDN.  5743500 448-341 P533.5-02-03-05-07 S99-999.  EDCSA: 27 Nov 53.  AUTH:  AFRs 35-59, 39-14; Msg AFPMP-4 AIMAJCOM 820/53, Hq USAF, 14 Sep 53; and Msg P 16937 AGTM-PT, 2d Trans Maj Port, 4 Nov 53.

7.  SMOP 2, SO 247, this Hq, cs, relating to rsgmt of Offs, this Hq, to 6403d PerP Sq (FEALOGFOR)(FEAF), Area "B", APO 959, w/EDCSA:  2 Dec 53, as pertains to 1ST LT ROBERT A GILMORE, AO1849607, as reads "rept between 0800 and 1000 hrs, 2 Dec 53"; "For rels fr AD UP par 11b, AFR 36-51"; "EDCSA:  2 Dec 53."; and "AUTH: Msg MF 171 PPF, 6403d PerP Sq, 6 Nov 53, Shpmt No Dec-1R", is amndd to read "rept between 0800 and 1000 hrs, 25 Nov 53"; "For rels fr ADUP par 12, AFR 36-51"; "EDCSA: 25 Nov 53"; and "AUTH: Msg MF 166 PPF, 6403d PerP Sq, 23 Oct 53, Shpmt No Nov-4R."


OFFICIAL:            K. P. McNAUGTON
Maj Gen, USAF
Vice Commander

^[[Owen F Gent]]

Major, USAF
Asst Adj Gen
