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[[underline]] SO 158 Hq Ftr Wg Lockbourne AFB Columbus 17 Ohio par 12 dtd 28 Jun 49 cont [[/underline]]

[[3 column table]] |   |   | [[underline]] LV ADDRESS [[/underline]]
S/Sgt 750-B Burniss Priestly Jr  AF35164916 Auth 21 days off 30 Jun 49 rpt NLT 21 Jul 49 | 100th Ftr Sq (SE) 332d Ftr Gp | 1018 N 28th St Los Angekes, Calif

S/Sgt 911 Oscar Jordan AF34150022 Auth 15 Days off 30 Jun 49 rpt NLT 15 Jul 49 | 99th Ftr Sq (SE) 332d Ftr Gp | 3002 L Street San Diego, Calif
[[/3 column table]]

15. TFN Amn having reenlisted this date in USAF in present grades for an indefinite pd are asgd orgns indicated (P/P) this stn w/EDCMR 28 Jun 49. Amn auth reenlmt lv for number days indicated effective dates indicated. FD will pay in advance 5₵ per eile for trvl f this stn to lv addresses indicated and ret to this stn. TDN 901-226 R 435-02 2190425 S 99-999 (Auth: AFR 39-9/49)

[[3 column table]]
|   |   | LV ADDRESS
T/Sgt 502 Shepard J McCants AF140155519 Auth 30 days off 30 Jun 49 rpt NLT 30 Jul 49 | Hq & Hq Sq 332d AB Gp | 216 S Waterman Ave San Bernadino, Calif

S/Sgt 275 John S Riley AF35487407 Lv Deferred | 332d Instl Sq Ftr (SE) 332d AB Gp |   |

S/Sgt 911 Irvin Riley AF33814842 Auth 30 days off 30 Jun 49 rpt NLT 30 Jul 49 | 100th Ftr Sq (SE) 332d Ftr Gp | 318 N 20 St Seattle, Wash 
[[/3 column table]]


Capt., USAF
Asst Adjutant

[[signature]] Ruth A Lucas [[/signature]]
Capt., USAF
Asst Adjutant

[[underline]] DISTRIBUTION "A" & "C" [[/underline]]
10 cys CO Maxwell AFB Ala
10 cys CO Williams AFB Aroz
10 cys CO Ft Monmouth NJ
10 cys CO Bolling AFB Wash DC
10 cys CO Camp Lee La

[[underline]] R E S T R I C T E D [[/underline]]