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[[underline]] R E S T R I C T E D 

SO 40 Hq 332d Ftr Wg Lockbourne AAB Columbus 17 Ohio par 17 dtd 1 Oct 47 cont'd [[/underline]]

EM auth per diem only while in tvl status. EM auth mon alws in lieu of subs a/r $1.00 per meal and qrs a/r $2.00 per day for any period where gov qrs and messing facilties are not available. Certification of this fact will be obtained fr CO of installation where TDY is performed. TDN 802-7206 P 432-02 A 2180425.

[[3 column table]] |   | [[underline]] Cost Code  | ORGNS [[/underline |
CAPT WALTER L MCCREARY, 0798959 | 100.4 | Hq and Hq Sq 332 Airdrome Gp |
1ST LT PERRY E HUDSON, 0814816 | 200.10 | Hq and Hq Sq 332d Ftr Wg |
S/Sgt Donald V Quander, RA12031719 | 300.14A | Maint Sq 332d Maint & Supplu Gp | [[/3column table]]

The budget and Fiscal Officer this sta certifies that available balance of funds chargeable to the accounting classification shown herein is sufficient and Finance Officer making payment against this order will forward a copy of the paid voucher to the Budget and Fiscal Officer this sta.

18. 2D LT FRANKA TITUS, 0589904 AC (N) Hq and Hq Sq Ftr Wg this sta WP on TDY for approx three (3) days to Hintington, W Va o/a 1 Oct 47 for the purpose of investigating matters pertaining to this comman. Upon completionof TDY O will return to proper sta Lockbourne AAB Colubus 17 Ohio. Tvl by mil acfft directed. Per diem auth. TDN 807-7208 P 432-02 A 2180425 3 33-024. Cost code 200.09.

The budget and Fiscal Officer this sta certifies that available balance of funds chargeable to the accounting classification shown herein is sufficient and Finance Officer making payment against this order will forward a copy of the paid voucher to the Budget and Fiscal Officer this sta.

19. The fol named EM AC (N) Sq B 332d Airdrome Gp this sta WP on TDY o/a 1 Oct 47 for the purpose of guarding plane to Huntington, W Va for approx three (3) days. pon completion of TDY EM will return to proper sta Lockbourne AAB Columbus 17 Ohio. No per diem auth while tvl. Tvl by mil acft directed.

Sgt Burnice L Elliott, RA34225741 Pfc Condie R Jones, RA33747675

TBMAA. UP AR 56-4520 FD will pay the prescribed mon alws in lieu of rats a/r $2.25 per day for three (3) days to two (2) EM ea. TDN 2180502 807-16 P 411-07 S 99-999.


1st Lt, Air Corps
Asst Adjutant


[[signature]] Junius R Savage [[/signature]]
1st Lt, Air Corps
Asst Adjutant
[[underline]] DISTRIBUTION "C"
RE S T R I C T E D [[/underline]]