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23.  What caution should one observe before raising the speed brakes after initial engine start?
^[[See that area is clear.]]

24.  List the procedure for checking the emergency fuel system.
^[[1. Fus tank sw - OFF.
2. Emergency fuel sw - NORMAL.
3. Starting fuel sw - OFF.
4. Advance throttler 53% & stabilize
5. Emergency fuel system checkout sw to check OUT & hold & observe change in rpm.  OR EMER SWITCH EMER.
6. Green & amber lights come on.
7. Release checkout sw & retard throttle]]

25.  What is the minimum fuel level in the fuselage tank for takeoff and the position of fuel switches?
^[[60-80 gal, tips on & feeding, [[strikethrough]] other fuel sw off [[/strikethrough]] other sw gauge load ON.]]

26.  What check is made of the canopy before takeoff?
^[[Closed & locked - check canopy warning light - out.]]

27.  Describe the proper use of the alcohol deice system.
^[[Energize fuel filter de-ice sw. ON for 15 sec for every 30 min of flight.]]

28.  What is the takeoff airspeed?
a.  With full tips?  ^[[120 kts]]
b.  With empty or no tips?  ^[[110 kts]]

29.  At what speed should the wing flaps be retracted after takeoff?
^[[140 kts - 165 kts]]

30.  What rule must be used for landing an aircraft with a fuel load in excess of 200 gallons?
^[[120 kts final approach speed plus 5 kts for each 100 gals of fuel on board or increment thereof over 200 gal.]]

31.  At what speed may the:
a.  Speed brakes be lowered?  ^[[Any speed]]
b.  Landing gear be lowered?  ^[[195 kts.]]
c.  Wing flaps be lowered full down?  ^[[175 kts.]]