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11.  Give procedure if aft section fire warning light comes on during takeoff roll, and sufficient runway does not remain for a ground abort.
^[[ [[strikethrough]] Throttle back as far as possible [[/strikethrough]]
Make obtainable power till min bail out alt & still remain airborne, check for fire, check instruments (EGT) maintain 130 KTS, punch off tips.  Act on basis of symptons.]]

12.  Give procedure if plenum chamber warning light comes on during flight.
^[[Throttle back as far as possible & still remain airborne, check inst, act on basis of symptons.]]

13.  Give steps to be taken for smoke elimination.
^[[ [[checkmark]] for fire 02 100%
Turn off defrosters, dump pressure, temp off, if still too bad, jettison canopy]]
^[[ 3. Batt & Gen off [[checkmark]] for elec fire then ADVISE other occupant emergency [[trans?]]

14.  Give bailout procedure for high altitude.
^[[Slow acft if possible, feet in stirrups, head back, visor down, unhook everything, bailout bottle, raise armrest, squeeze trigger, kick away from seat.]]

15.  Can the seat on a T-33 aircraft be fired through the canopy? ^[[Yes.]]

16.  If the trigger is squeezed while the arm rest is being raised, what may occur, and what action would be taken?
^[[Seat may not eject.  Try again.]]


Transcription Notes:
There is no need to put [[preprinted]] on every page.