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[[underlined]] TRAINING RECORD REQUIREMENTS CHECK LIST [[/underlined]]
Type Aircraft  C-47

Name  Davis, B.O.
Rank  B/Gen
Serial No. 1206-A
Birthdate  18 Dec.
Date Report In

[[3 columns]]
Required | Item | Accomplished (Date)
- | Instrument School | -
- | Instrument Written | 11 Dec. 58
- | Instrument Check | -
- | Standardization Check | [[strikethrough]] 8 Dec. 58 [[/strikethrough]] 23 Oct 59
- | Emergency Questionaire | 18 Dec 58
- | Aircraft Questionaire | 18 Dec 58
- | Weight & Balance Questionaire | 5 Dec. 57
- | Engine Conditioning | -
- | Check Out Progress Sheet | -
- | Physiological Training | -
- | Water Survival Training | -
- | Annual Physical | -

1 Aug 59