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[[underlined]] HYDRAULIC SYSTEM [[/underlined]]

29.  The hydraulic power supply system operates the:
a.  ^[[ldg gear]]
b.  ^[[brakes]]
c.  ^[[cowl flaps]]
d.  ^[[coz flaps]]
e.  ^[[blower clutches]]
f.  ^[[windshield wipers]]

30.  The initial air charge in the hydraulic pressure accumulator is ^[[250 psi]].

31.  The fluid capacity of this hydraulic reservoir is ^[[10 qts]].

32.  The hydraulic fluid level is checked by ^[[pilot]].

33.  The amount of fluid in the bottom of the reservoir available only to the hydraulic hand pump for emergency operation is ^[[3 qts]].

34.  Normal hydraulic pressure is:
a.  800 to 1000 PSI.
b.  600 to 900 PSI. 
[[circled]] c. [[/circled]] 600 to 875 PSI.

35.  During normal operation, the ^[[left]] engine-driven pump supplies fluid pressure to the hydraulic system, and the ^[[right]] engine driven pump furnishes fluid pressure to the ^[[autopilot]] system.

[[underlined]] CARBURETOR SYSTEM [[/underlined]]

36.  The carburetor deicing system is supplied from a ^[[11.5]] gallon tank located [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] ^[[under right wg fillet]]

37.  It is unwise to use carburetor heat on take-off
a.  because the doors restrict the full amount of air necessary for a proper mixture to attain proper power out-put.
[[circled]] b. [[/circled]]  because heat causes a reduction in power out-put and in case of sever overheat of carburetor air can cause detonation and complete loss of power.

38.  Normal carburetor air temperature is:
[[circled]] a. [[/circled]]  15°C to 38°C.
b.  0°C to 15°C.
c.  10°C to 50°C.